Why Choose an Experienced Injector for Facial Fillers?
Look at this picture. This is why you should only choose an experienced master injector who has a deep understanding of aesthetic treatments for your fillers! Yes, that is blood inside this Juvéderm Voluma syringe.
So how did it get there?
To ensure a safe cosmetic injectable treatment procedure, I always pull back on the syringe to ensure that the needle has not entered a blood vessel. As you can see here, this needle was obviously in a blood vessel, so I didn’t inject the dermal filler. I then continued the treatment, and the patient got a great result.
Most injectors rush their dermal filler treatments and don’t utilize a safe technique that avoids intravascular injection. Just remember: These are medical treatments, and there are real risks that can be avoided by a skilled injector with an intimate knowledge of facial anatomy and careful technique.
From Botox treatment to dermal fillers to other advanced cosmetic treatments, we offer it all, and we’ll make sure you receive the care you deserve.

That is a blunt Cannula